Baptism Request

Baptism is an integral part of the Christian Lutheran journey of faith.  Meeting with a Pastor about baptizing your child(ren) is a helpful tool in starting that journey.

Starting your Baptism Journey!

Please complete the Baptism Form below.

One meeting with a Pastor is required for all parents.  Sponsors, family & friends are welcome to join.

Any questions/concerns, please contact Annette at the church office at 701-255-1001.

Baptism Request Form

Baptisms are celebrated: 

•  Wednesdays:  6:30 pm 

•  Saturdays:  5:00 pm, Traditional 

•  Sundays:  8:30 am, Traditional

     9:45 am,  Contemporary

     11:00 am, Contemporary

Baptisms are not performed on Communion Sundays   (1st & 3rd Sundays of the month)

Any private baptism requests, will need pre-approval from a pastor.


•  If more than 1 child is being baptized, please complete one form PER child. (ex. 3 children = 3 forms)

•  ( * ) Indicates required field.  If information is unavailable, please include 'N/A' as your response.

• Form must be completed in a single session.  If at any time, the webpage is closed, 

all information will be lost and will need to be re-entered.

Please verify that all information is correct, before clicking  'Submit'.

Thank you!

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